Welcome to Les Pas de Ballet
Welcome to Les Pas de Ballet


We ask all students to wear the recommended uniform. Wearing the correct uniforms give the students ease of movement and help them feel ready to behave like a ballerina and dance like one! 


We have all the uniform items to order (except Charactor Shoes). If you would like to order a uniform please email and we will be happy to help you with sizing and ensure your items are ready to collect upon your next lesson.

Baby Ballet to Primary Ballet


Short Sleeved Skirted Leotard £16

Pink Ballet Tights £6.50

Pink Leather Ballet Shoes £8.50

Pink Crossover Cardigan £12

Grade 1 - Grade 3


Mulberry Sleeveless Leotard and Belt £17/£19

Pink Ballet tights £6.50

Pink Leather Ballet Shoes £8.50

Pink Crossover Cardigan £12

Black Canvas Low Heel Charactor Shoes £14

Grade 4 and above

Navy Blue  Sleeveless Leortard with front roush and Belt - from £21 (inc.VAT)

Pink Leather Ballet Shoes £8.50/£10

Pink Tights £6.50

Black Cardigan £15

Black Canvas Cuban Heel Charactor Shoes - from £14

Charactor Skirts from Grade 1

from £25, depending on the length



Northwood Methodist Church

Oaklands Gate, 


Hillingdon HA6 3AA

United Kingdom

Any questions?

Contact us directly:


07817500942 07817500942



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